A-moo-sing sight: Soon you can watch the cows dance

by Shellie Boudreau
Photo: Søren Gammelmark
Photo: Søren Gammelmark

After a long and dark winter, the idea of warm weather and sunlight can make just about all of us smile.  

But there will be other reasons to smile while we soak in some of the early sun rays of 2023.  While some of you leave home with an extra skip in your step, so will the cows on the farms nearby Aalborg.

What? Cows dancing?

That’s right. When cows are released from their barn after a long dark winter, they are super happy too – so much so that they start dancing. 

It can be a-moo-sing.  Cows dancing is truly a spectacular sight—something enjoyable for family and friends. You can plan a visit to a farm near Aalborg.

Økodag (Eco Day) returns this Spring so you can share in the good mood and cheer spread by locals cows kicking off and dancing around.

It’s Sunday, April 16th, that 47 Danish farms will open their farmyard and barn doors for the cows.

Afterwards, you can tour the farm and learn more about ecology and all the considerations for running an organic farm.

Remember to book tickets

This is the 19th time that the Økologisk Landsforening (National Ecological Association) releases the animals to pasture on Økodag (Eco Day).

The event aims to celebrate animal welfare and raise awareness about the importance of cow grazing in open pastures instead of standing still in the barn all year round.

“It is imperative for us ecologists that cows graze freely in the summer.

On Eco Day, all of Denmark can witness how much the cows enjoy being free and going to pasture. It’s a notion we can all identify with,” Louise Køster, head of the National Ecological Association, states in a press release.

So consider yourself invited by 47 farms to join in on Eco Day.  The event is shared throughout the entire country, and there are 150,000 tickets available. 

When the ticket booking system launched last year, tickets for several farms were also quickly sold out. Therefore, booking tickets well in advance is a good idea.

Find your closest farm right here.

As always, participation is free on EcoDay.

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