A musical tribute: Here’s why new statues have appeared around town

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

If you’ve walked past Musikkens Hus, Toldbold Plads, or Spar Nord Fonden at Hadsundvej 20 recently, you might have noticed some new statues of a conductor.

The statues have been erected by Aalborg Symphony Orchestra and Aalborg Opera Festival to draw attention to the fact that they will be hosting the world’s largest Wagner singing contest, The Lauritz Melchior International Singing Competition (LMISC), right here in Aalborg.

The statues (of course) depict Wagner but they’re not just for decoration.

Join the festive events – for free

These three locations will also host three outdoor concerts that will take place on Wednesday, October 21, at 15:00 at Spar Nord Fonden (Hadsundvej 20), at 16:00 at Musikkens Hus, and at 17:00 at Toldbod Plads.

Everyone is more than welcome to join, and there’s free admission.

The founder of the competition, Poul Elming, will first talk briefly about The Lauritz Melchior International Singing Competition, which is the world’s leading Wagner singing contest. Then there will be LIVE opera, sung by the debuting soprano Anette Signe Pedersen who’s just graduated from the soloist class at the Southern Denmark Conservatory of Music (Syddansk Musikkonservatorium).

The talented soprano will naturally sing works by Wagner and will be accompanied by pianist Ulrich Stærk.

The statues’ imposing plinth is produced by Aalborg Produktionshøjskole while the Wagner figure itself originates from the city of Bayreuth’s 200th year anniversary celebration of Wagner’s birth.

The fourth visit to Aalborg

This will be the fourth time that the Lauritz Melchior International Singing Competition will be held in Aalborg.

This time, 100 singers have registered from which 16 have been selected to compete in Musikkens Hus for the prestigious title; one that has really boosted the opera careers of the previous winners.

The Lauritz Melchior International Singing Competition concludes with a semi finale on the 28th of October and a Gala finale on the 31st of October in Musikkens Hus.

There is free admission for all to watch the trial runs as well as the preliminary rounds and quarterfinals, which will take place on Friday, October 23, and Saturday, October 24.

The Wagner statues will remain at the aforementioned locations throughout the competition period.

Her Majesty Queen Margrethe is the patron of the competition.

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