A timely present: You can park for free at this spot all summer long

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

Many of us have already headed off on vacation and maybe you’re dreaming of going downtown to experience everything that Aalborg has to offer.

This creates a particular dilemma: Parking. Because do you really want all the stress from having to locate a parking space in the center of town – and do you want to pay the often large fees?

There’s luckily a remedy for that this summer!

Because they’re closed for vacation, Aalborg Handelsskole (business college) is offering people to park on their parking lot for free- all summer!

The offer includes all the school’s departments during the weeks 27, 28, 29, and 30.

You’ll find the free parking spaces on the following addresses:

  • Strandvejen 25 (60 spots)
  • Saxogade 10 (50 spots)
  • Turøgade 1 (55 spots)
  • Langagervej 16 (100 spots)

Starting Monday, August 1, there’ll once again be parking control on all the school’s lots.

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