Announcement: The use of open fire in Aalborg is prohibited

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen
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Many municipalities have already announced that they have implemented both watering bans and bans on open fire due to the drought.

Now, Aalborg Municipality also makes it clear in a press release. They state that from today, there is a prohibition on the use of open fire in municipal areas. The ban also applies to the use of grills in municipal areas.

“The many days of drought have resulted in a high fire hazard index throughout the municipality. Therefore, based on a recommendation from the North Jutland Emergency Services, Aalborg Municipality has decided to implement the prohibition on the use of open fire, including grills, in all municipal areas,” they write.

They further inform that the situation regarding Midsummer bonfires will be finally decided on Monday. However, as it stands now, it is expected that they cannot be carried out.

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