Bakery plans delayed at Eternitten: New bakery on hold

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

There was great excitement when we broke the news that Henrik Bruse had plans to open a brand new sourdough bakery at Eternitten.

Henrik’s eyes sparkled with joy as he told MyAalborg about the new concept, where he would once again be the sole baker in a space covering nearly 400 square meters.

Unfortunately, those plans have now been put on hold. At least for now.

Henrik Bruse confirms to MigogAalborg:

“Unfortunately, there are various formalities that make it impossible to proceed at this moment.

Therefore, the plans for a bakery in Aalborg are postponed until October 2025.

Where it will be, time will tell,” he states.

However, Henrik Bruse is currently exploring other opportunities to become self-employed again.

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