Big reopening planned: Here are the important dates for different industries
Late Monday night the government along with the parties in parliament (not including Nye Borgerlige) agreed on a big plan for the reopening of Denmark.
They agreed on a long-term plan with a selection of key dates that can guide the different industries that have been hit by the restrictions.
The Ministry of the State of Denmark released a press release just before midnight, and there are many points to consider.
We have tried to make an overview with the most important dates for different industries.
Corona-passport will be accessible on an app
First and foremost a so-called Corona-passport will be our best “friend” if we are looking to engage in more activities.
The political parties who are a part of the agreement concur that a Corona-passport can contribute to controlling the epidemic so that more industries and parts of the cultural life can reopen sooner.
The Corona-passport will show if a citizen is fully vaccinated, has recovered from an infection, or has tested negative during the last 72 hours (including both the PCR- and the antigen-test). Children younger than 15 years will be exempt.
In late March the app “MinSundhed” will function as a practical but simple passport.
In late May expectations are that a more advanced and user-friendly app will be launched. In connection with this, the app will take into consideration the common European standards as dictated by the EU.
From April 6 these can reopen:
- Hairdressers and other liberal professions. People will be required to wear face masks or visors and use the Corona-passport.
- In addition to the classes that have already returned to primary schools, grades 5-8 can now return with 50 percent physical attendance (meaning every other week). Also, students can return to high schools, universities, and colleges – also with 50 percent physical attendance.
From April 13 these can reopen:
- Shopping centers, department stores, arcades, etc. that are 15.000 sqm or less can reopen. This reopening does not include cinemas, restaurants, or cafés, which are located inside shopping centers and similar buildings. Area requirements and requirements concerning face masks or visors will be in place
As a starting point, these will first reopen on April 21:
- Larger shopping centers and department stores. Also, restaurants and cafés will be able to serve customers outdoors. Museums, art centers, and libraries can also open. The Corona-passport will be required to visit all these places.
- Indoor sports for children and young people under the age of 18 years will be open to attendance without the Corona-passport.
During the second phase, these will open on May 6 (with a Corona-passport):
- Indoor serving in restaurants and cafés, conferences, music venues, theaters, cinemas, and similar locations where cultural activities are performed.
- Indoor sports for adults over the age of 18 years. This will possibly include fitness centers (unless this reopening is pushed another 14 days).
During the third phase, these will open on May 21 (with a Corona-passport):
- The remaining sports and recreational activities that were not included in the previous phases.
- Indoor facilities in amusement parks, zoos, etc.
- Folk schools and night school.
Assessment of whether the nightlife can reopen as well
The Epidemic Commission has been asked by the authorities to assess if the nightlife or parts of it can reopen. They have also been asked to assess whether there should be limited opening hours for places serving alcohol and if the ban against selling alcohol from 22:00-05:00 should remain.
The commission has also been tasked with recommending which requirements, restrictions, infection prevention initiatives, etc. should be in place in case of a partial or full reopening.
The political parties have a joint wish that events that unite us – such as culture, sports, etc. – will be able to take place as more people are vaccinated and use the Corona-passport.
It has thus been agreed that the government will establish an expert group, which by the end of April will make recommendations about how larger crowds and events can be held in a manner that is responsible healthwise.
The phasing out of the public assembly ban
The expert group will also make recommendations about the so-called “superligaordning” (a scheme for the Danish football league) along with conference activities.
By the end of April, the government will further present a plan for phasing out of the public assembly ban in cooperation with the Epidemic Commission. The government will invite the other political parties to negotiate this particular subject so that it fits with the rest of the gradual reopening.