Closing dates revealed: All quick test centers are closing

by Ashton Christensen

As of February 1, Covid-19 is no longer considered a “socially critical disease”, and virtually all restrictions have been lifted. More and more people have also started self-testing.

Therefore, the government has decided to cut out quick testing in the nationwide network of test sites.

The Board for Supply Safety Denmark published a press release earlier in February stating that seeing as there no longer is the same need for quick test centers, the agreements made with the private providers are ending. This means that quick test centers will close by March 6, 2022.

PCR test sites will stay open.

Use self tests

Lisbet Zilmer-Johns, director of the Danish Safety Authority, says:

“For over a year, regions, private providers, and the many thousands of testers have worked hard to address an important societal challenge, and we owe them a huge thanks for their fantastic efforts.

We are now at a point where we can test ourselves at home, and at the same time, almost all restrictions have been lifted, so we no longer have the same need for rapid test centers. However, PCR tests are still available.”

You can for example use a self-test if you will be in contact with someone who is at an increased risk of getting seriously ill from Covid-19, or you have received a notification in your “Smittestop” (Infection control) app.

If your self-test is positive, it is recommended to have a PCR test to confirm the result.


  • The quick test sites will close on March 6, 2022. The capacity for quick testing is 200,000 tests per day starting Monday, February 7.
  • The daily capacity of PCR is 200,000. There are currently approximately 160 PCR test sites across the country.
  • Concerning testing needs for travelers, they will generally be able to use PCR test sites after the end of quick test centers.
  • The authorities will pay for the number of rapid tests carried out. In the past week, the nationwide network of test sites has performed an average of 248,000 corona tests per day of which about 112,000 were quick tests.
  • Self-tests are currently offered in elderly care, social services, and health care, and for primary schools, day-care, youth, and adult education centers. Self-tests are also available in retail outlets, etc.

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