Double everything: Grillen Burgerbar creates the wildest burger
Now that summer and bikini season are over, what reason do we have not to indulge in Aalborg’s delights?
That’s why we’re delighted to announce Grillen Burgerbar’s latest limited edition burger: The Double Monty.
Double up, double satisfaction?
A cheeseburger stuffed with a double patty, loads of Monterey Jack (… hence the name), a stack of fried bacon, pickled red onions, and of course, Grillen’s world-famous mayo.
MyAalborg has, of course, already passed by for a taste test. We have to say: What’s saved on the vegetables comes back double with the rest.
The burger was basically swimming in guilty pleasures. We had actually ordered milkshakes to wash it down with, but that was unnecessary. We wolfed it down.
If you feel too bad about the misconception of vegetables, you can always choose to add pickles …and salad.
It’s certainly not the first time that Grillen Burgerbar announces a burger out of the ordinary. In fact, there will be multiple limited-edition burgers throughout the year, and for this October, it’s The Double Monty deserving your attention.
The Double Monty is available for 109 DKK, including fries and optional dip – only for October.