Get an overview: These restrictions are still in place
Starting today COVID-19 is no longer considered a threat to society.
That means that most restrictions now are removed, and you no longer have to show a valid corona-passport nor wear face masks in supermarkets, restaurants or other places.
In short: All restrictions are waived.
However, the Epidemics Committee has recommended that some restrictions should stay in place: for example the requirement that people entering Denmark from abroad should show a negative test. The Parliament’s Epidemics Committee is now considering this recommendation.
People are still encouraged to wear face masks and show valid corona-passports when entering hospitals and nursing homes as a measure to keep the weakest’s in society safe.
Still, we can look forward to a summer where hugs, festivals, and large events are returning.
May return this fall
Although restrictions now are in the past and everyday life returns, the authorities will continue to monitor COVID-19 closely.
At the latest press conference, it was said that because corona is unpredictable and new variations may appear in the fall, it’s important to stay vigilant.
It’s already expected that corona will surge again in the fall. That’s why further revaccinations may become relevant again.
It may be that only the most vulnerable are offered a new vaccine but it could also be offered to all citizens. Time will tell.