Hosting the Danish Championship: Disc Golf course in Aalborg is a giant success

by Shellie Boudreau

The terms ‘putter’ and ‘driver’ belong to more than one sport.

And when we say disc, we’re not talking about alien spaceships or the one you throw to your dog if you ask the club Aalborg Dinosaurs. 

These terms and specially shaped discs belong to the sport of disc golf.

During the corona pandemic, the 20-year-old Disc Golf course in Aalborg got more than a spark. Instead, the course received a giant boost of newfound attention. 

Now there are approx. 120 members of the club. The club is known to hold several different tournaments but soon the club will host the Danish Championship. 

A sport for everyone

There are some overlaps between Disc Golf and regular golf.

Both sports require that you aim for a target and hit the target with as few attempts as possible. 

Unlike regular golf, disc golf requires you to aim for a basket instead of a hole in the ground. And you throw a disc instead of swinging a club.  

One amazing benefit of the sport is that the course is free and available 24/7, rain or shine.

When Rasmus Dejligbjerg, a member of Aalborg Dinosaurs, started playing disc golf in April 2022 he had only tried throwing a Frisbee with his dog.

Now he plays a Monday match every week. He has lost count of how many discs he owns and has never before experienced this amount of comradeship and togetherness with a club.

“You improve your skills fast after starting. The course is freely accessible to everyone, and you can rent discs there. Otherwise find a set in Bilka or Føtex for about DKK 100,” Rasmus Dejligbjerg says.

You can get an introductory course; otherwise, throw yourself into it.

You can read more about Aalborg Dinosaurs’ on their homepage.

It’s the perfect activity for a bachelor party, a company event or a Sunday afternoon when you don’t know what else to do.

“I’m kind of a computer nerd, so it was a good way to exercise. You end up walking 10-12 km at a good pace without noticing,” Rasmus Dejligbjerg says.

As a member, you pay DKK 375 annually. The amount supports the Danish Frisbee Sport Union, maintenance of the course in Aalborg East, and more.

When you are a member, you can participate in several competitions – including Monday matches, monthly matches and club championships with prizes up for grabs.

Amateur tournament and the Danish Championship

The amateur tournament held at Fairway Cup starts on Saturday, 25 March.

The first stop is Aalborg. After two rounds are played, a winner is chosen.

Hereafter, you have the option of adding the points to the rest of the tournament.

The Fairway Cup takes place on eight different courses throughout Denmark.

And the additional exciting announcement is that Aalborg Dinosaurs have been selected to host the Danish Championship in the summer of 2023.

The championship will last three days with one round played per day.

“You are more than welcome to join as a spectator. There is free access.

And it takes place at the same time as the championship week. You may be shocked at how far the participants throw and how accurately they can make the discs fly around obstacles and hit the targets,” the chairman of Aalborg Dinosaurs, Jacob Teglgaard Jakobsen, explains.

The Danish Championship in Disc Golf takes place from June 23rd – 25th, 2023, at the Aalborg Disc Golf course in Bundgaardsparken.

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