Large parts of Aalborg hit: Salt in the air causes large power outage
This Monday is the mondayest of mondays…
Traffic lights have blacked out several places, and a larger power outage has hit large parts of Aalborg.
“All traffic lights in the area are out so we want to encourage drivers to be careful – and use the right of way in those intersections that aren’t working,” Torben Sørensen, duty officer at North Jutland Police, says to TV 2 Nord.
Her til morgen har der været strømsvigt i store dele af Nordjylland, hvilket har medført at mange lyskryds p.t. er ude af drift. Kør derfor forsigtigt. Der arbejdes på højtryk for at få gang i samtlige lyskryds. #politidk #vagtchefen @nordjyskedk @TV2Nord @P4Nord
— Nordjyllands Politi (@NjylPoliti) January 31, 2022
Salt has caused the outage
Nordjyske writes that the outage is probably due to an aftereffect of the storm Malik.
The storm has whirled salt unto the high voltage power lines, which has caused several parts of Aalborg and North Jutland to black out.
“We have been putting out small fires at transformer stations due to short circuit and because of this the power has gone out,” the duty officer says to Nordjyske.