New reopening plan: Here are the most important points
After more than 12 hours of negotiation between the parties in the Danish Parliament, an agreement has been reached on a new reopening plan.
In outline, all restrictions – except those concerning nightlife, certain events, and travels to and from Denmark – will be gone by September.
“The number of infections is decreasing, 2.5 million people have gotten at least one vaccination injection, and the good weather works to our advantage,” Health Minister, Magnus Heunicke says.
Farewell face masks
A big change to the current restrictions will be the phasing out of face masks in most areas of society on Monday, June 14. The only exception is standing passengers in public transportation.
So everywhere else, you don’t need to wear a face masks.
Restaurants and bars will also be allowed to stay open longer. From Friday, they’re allowed to stay open until midnight and from July 15, the opening hours will extend to 02:00.
The sale of alcohol will be open until midnight and this includes retail as well.
July 1st is an important date. Here pcr-tests will no longer be valid for just 72 hours but instead be extended to 96 hours – meaning four days instead of three. Thus, the corona-passport app will change, and this is expected to happen by the end of June.
The assembly limit is raised to 250 people indoors.
Area requirements and recommendations about distancing will be repealed at eateries and bars where customers primarily sit down.
The nightlife is also beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
On September 1, the nightlife will open, including discos and night clubs, but corona-passports are required. From October 1, the corona-passport will no longer be used.
Here are the most important points in the new agreement
- The requirement of having to wear face masks or visors are phased out on June 14, 2021, in all areas except public transportation where there are standing passengers, etc.
- The use of face masks and visors are completely phased out on September 1, 2021
- The phasing out of the corona-passport starts on June 14, 2021, in places where there’s the least risk of infection, for example at libraries and recreational activities and clubs (not including sports).
- Corona-passports will also be phased out completely on September 1, 2021 – except from the nightlife, at outdoors events with more than 2.000 seated spectators, and at indoors events with standing spectators.
- Opening hours at restaurants and bars are extended to midnight on June 11, 2021.
- Opening hours at restaurants and bars are extended to 02:00 on July 15, 2021.
- The amount of spectators at Denmarks’ Euro-games are increased to a maximum capacity of 25.000 people.
- Night clubs reopen from September 1, 2021, and you’re required to show your corona-passport.