New to Denmark?: Get help finding a job

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

Join the International House North Denmark at their monthly Job Search Seminars where they will explain the first steps you need to take on your job-hunting journey!

These seminars are designed to provide information and furnish you with a template for crafting a CV and Cover Letter that will resonate with Danish employers.

Additionally, they offer guidance on setting up and maximizing the effectiveness of your LinkedIn account, tips for identifying companies that are currently hiring, insights for acing your first job interview, and strategies for expanding your professional network.

The seminar is conducted in English.

Participation in the seminar is free of charge and they will gladly answer your questions regarding job seeking.

Join the International House North Denmark on January 30th from 14:00 to 15:45.

Register here.

If you have questions, reach out to Pernille Nyrup Vigsø, Project coordinator at International House North Denmark: / 2330 3586

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