No more telephone queues: Digital Contact Infection Tracking Services
People infected with COVID-19 no longer need to call infection tracing services. A new self-service solution on now makes it possible to digitally provide information about one’s infection to the infection tracing services.
The solution is also in the making for the MinSundhed(MyHealth) app.
No more phone queues
Now, the infection tracker has a digital self-service solution that lets infected Danes report their infection situation quickly and directly on when they get a positive test result. Infected Danes can do the same on the app MinSundhed as soon as it goes live.
In this way, many infected people can avoid contacting the infection tracing service by phone.
“The new digital self-service solution makes infection detection easier for the individual infected person, so they quickly can provide us with the most relevant information.
We hope that infected people choose to use it,” says Birgitte Drewes, the Danish Patient Safety Agency deputy director.
Infection tracing is still available for infected people who prefer dialogue over a phone call. Infected persons who do not use the digital solution will also continue to be called by the infection tracing service in case of a positive test response.
The digital solution also ensures that infection detection continues to receive the information needed for epidemic surveillance.
Infection Tracking Services will report back.
If you need consulting, be very clear about it in the digital solution, and they will help you.
Infection tracing will contact the infected person for concrete consultation. Infection tracing will also still call out if additional information is needed.
It is possible to access the digital infection detection as soon as the positive test result is visible on or in the app MinSunhed, as soon as the new version is available in the app store.
Accessing digital infection detection is possible in both positive PCR and antigen (rapid) test cases.
Children are not traced
The digital tracking service currently works for citizens with a NemID/MitID, who can take their responsibility.
Unfortunately, children under 15 years and persons under guardianship can not use the solution.
The infection tracker will call the infected person’s parents or legal guardians in these cases. Infection tracing always calls from the telephone number: 32 32 05 11.