One of each, please: We tried all the ‘fastelavnsboller’ at Lagkagehuset
A Danish chyme chanted by kids around this time turns adults into big kids. In English, the chyme doesn’t have the same ring but let us try: Fastelavn is my name, sweet buns is what we waaant! If there’s none, then naughty shall we become…
In Danish: Fastelavn er mit navn, boller vil jeg haaave! Hvis jeg ingen boller får, så laver jeg ballaaade …
This chyme could be our New Years Resolution for 2022. Indeed many of us look forward to this part of the year – for one reason only— fastelavn buns! (Shrovetide buns)
Although Fastelavn lands on February 28, Lagkagehuset is launching its variety now. No complaints from us.
Instead, we see a good service that needs doing. Tasting, sampling, and indulging ourselves to provide you with some insight to help stop the naughtiness from happening if there are no Fastelavn buns—your welcome.
There was no particular method for taste-testing during our visit to Lagkagehuset. Still, now it’s done, and perhaps our review will help you find a favorite out of 8 varieties:
Fastelavns bun with cream
Each year we ask the people of Aalborg to vote on a city favorite. Typically Lagkagehusets fastelavn buns made with cream are a clear winner. This year, there’s another variety to choose from in the form of rhubarb. In addition, you will find:
Mocha salt caramel
Forgetting about this flavor combo is difficult, leaving us with an unmet desire for the rest of the year.
The coffee flavor is intense and achieved by adding a shot of Lagkagehusets expresso blend of arabica beans in the cream.
The salt caramel that follows mere moments later after a bite compliments this well. Don’t worry if coffee is not your cup of tea, as there are seven other varieties.
Rhubarb and white chocolate
On the bakery news of 2022, we know how quickly rumors spread in the city and must confess the stories are true.
The fastelavn buns with rhubarb mousse and white chocolate are divine and perfectly sour – like a summer truffle wrapped in a crispy pastry and whipped cream.
This variety is one of the reviewer’s favorites, and we hope it will be one of yours too.
Raspberry and Sarah Bernhardt
If the flavor of fresh berries and chocolate sounds appetizing, then the raspberry and Sarah Bernhardt creation for you.
The raspberry cream has its sweetness next to the more intense taste of the chocolate mousse. Neither overly sweet nor bitter – this combo is a heavenly match.
Blueberries and nougat
Many of Lagkagehuset’s fastelavn buns transported us to sunnier times and especially this variety.
The delicious taste of blueberries sparked a memory of sitting in front of a beautiful breakfast spread under the sun while enjoying a rich, fresh blueberry yogurt.
So take that feeling and add a good portion of nougat, and this variety will kickstart a good day.
Vanilla and cream
Simply a classic, the fastelavn bun with vanilla cream is one of Lagkagehuset’s bestsellers – perhaps it’s the natural vanilla that makes this variety a hit.
This variety is more simple when compared to the berry, rhubarb, and chocolate combinations mentioned above, so perhaps start with this one and work your way up to a firework of flavors.
On the other hand, it might be what you are seeking – this is why classics remain classic.
In addition to the classic and flavor-packed legendary cream-fastelavn buns, the Semla is on the menu this year.
The bakery introduced this Swedish delight a few years ago. However, any new concept will need to compete with Danish classics and tradition.
Again this year, Lagkagehuset will offer a fastelavn bun filled with cardamom cream, almond paste, and whipped cream, topped with roasted hazelnuts and gold dust. Boom!
One can say – We have a winner! The Semla-bun is slightly heavier dough with chocolate pieces throughout, with a scone-like appeal.
Cheers Sweden!
Old-fashioned fastelavn buns
Perhaps you are not into all this craziness. Why change a perfect creation with fancy gold dust, white chocolate or expresso infusions? Pure blasphemy.
Don’t worry. The most authentic version of a simple classic like the one made by grandma is on the menu. This classic is made with soft dough and has traditional cream and chocolate inside.
Wienerbread fastelavn bun
If you feel like a fastelavn bun without whipped cream, you can choose a less fancy option. In Aalborg, you can find this variety with vanilla cream and the only extra added is love.