Performed before a full house last time: English superstar comedian is returning to Aalborg

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

There is plenty to laugh about when the award-winning comedian Jimmy Carr takes the stage. 

His provocative jokes that push the boundaries of what is socially acceptable, his laugh that is so distinctive it makes the audience laugh with him, and then there are his unique interactions with his audience. 

Last time Jimmy Carr took the stage in Aalborghallen in June 2018, it was in front of a sold-out theater, which was entertained from start to finish. 

Now he is coming back and will once again perform in AKKC on Friday, October 1, 2021. 

Terribly Funny

Jimmy Carr is also known as the “king of one-liners”, and there is no topic too dangerous or too outrageous for him to talk about. 

The themes cover everything from politics to sex, differences between genders to celebrities, current events, and much more. 

Jimmy Carr’s new show is titled Terribly Funny and contains jokes about an endless string of terrible things.

If you know the English comedian’s style then you surely have no doubt that he’ll push the jokes right to the limit (and often beyond it as well…) But one thing is certain – the many terrible things will suddenly turn out to be unbelievably hilarious. 

Master of improvisation

The North Jutland audiences can also begin to mull over what sarcastic comments they should yell to Jimmy Carr when he is standing center stage at AKKC. 

And the comedian’s response to the heckles will without a doubt get roars of laughter going throughout the whole hall. 

Precisely that direct interaction, where Jimmy Carr improvises responses to random heckles yelled by the audience throughout the show, has become one of his signature features.

You might think that the Danish public is a little more restrained with that sort of thing but when Jimmy Carr came to AKKC in 2018 there was no shortage of derogatory comments and slippery personal tales yelled from the audience. So the North Jutland folk have certainly proved they can ‘play along’. 

Jimmy Carr has toured the world no less than 10 times with more than 2.000 shows for over 2 million people. Terribly Funny is coming to Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Aalborg. 

Tickets to Jimmy Carr – Terribly Funny in Aalborghallen (Friday, October 1, 2021, at 20:00) are on sale from Monday, October 5, 2020 at 10:00 and available for purchase in AKKC’s ticket office (phone: 99 35 55 66) or via and Prices: O: 490kr / A: 390kr / B: 350kr / C: 310kr.

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