Re-opening announcement: Government relaxes capacity limits in retail businesses
Based on the health authorities/epidemic commission’s recommendations, the government announced that capacity limits will be relaxed for retail businesses.
As of yesterday, there are no longer any demands placed on the opening hours or queuing systems for shops over 10.000 sqm. Further, a standard and transparent step plan outlining the area requirements will be available for retail.
Simpler demands
In light of recent developments concerning the corona epidemic and society’s continued reopening, the government, per the Epidemic Commission recommendation, decided to reduce and make the requirements more straightforward and simple for retailers.
From now on, we will see a return to regular opening hours for many larger department stores.
Moreover, the limits in capacity will be more similar between grocery stores, department stores, and shopping centers.
More customers in the shops
Retail stores will operate with a higher capacity – regardless of sector or size – than before. The change in requirement means, for example, that large department stores of more than 10,000 sqm, which previously had a maximum of 250 customers in the store, are now only required to have 10 sqm per customer.
Another significant change is that the requirements for opening hours or queuing system for shops over 10,000 sqm no longer apply.
The Minister of Business, Simon Kollerup, reports:
“While other countries in Europe talk about locking down, Denmark is heading towards a brighter future.
That is why we can, among other things, loosen the capacity limits for retail stores—so we will see more life in city centers. Also, store owners and customers will find it easier to navigate the rules.
Step-by-step, Denmark will get more everyday life back, and this is because we are good at standing together when needed.
Therefore, of course, we should continue – as we always have – to keep our distance and take care of each other. That is why we are taking another step today, and it is a crucial step to reopening society.”
However, there are still several requirements that retailers have to adhere to in order to prevent infection. For example, wearing a facemask or visor on site is a must and arranging the store to minimize the risk of spreading the infection.