Run on Wine: Drink until tipsy in a new wine-run
Many know about a dog chasing the rabbit in the classic dog races. The rabbit is the bait and motivation to run and win the race.
The question is, how do we motivate the average person to tie up their laces and complete a 3-kilometre race?
This coming September, a new rabbit is in town and might lure more than a few dogs out of the house.
A little outside of Aalborg, in the beautiful Drastrup Skov (forest) just southwest Aalborg, Frejlev will hold Frejlev Motion. On Friday, September 3rd, there will be a clever running event called Run On Wine.
Yes, you read the headline correctly. The fuel that ignites the engines will not be the sight of a rabbit. Instead, it will be wine – a lot of free wine.
“Frejlev Motion is a small local running club. We want to show that running is an inclusive activity and not only for those wishing to run far, fast and every day.
EVERYONE can join, and that is why we are holding a running event focusing on the experience rather than the performance,” explains the co-organizer Louise Bøgild to MyAalborg.
Learn how the race works
Why hold a wine race?
“In France, it is popular to run marathon distances to visit wine castles, and we are inspired but these events. Although Frejlev does not have wine castles, we do have natures’ beauty. So we set up four wine stations, nested in nature, 700 meters apart.”
The race starts and finishes in a circular fashion around the beautiful Drastrup Skov, where fun and coziness are encouraged and supported.
The run is 3 kilometres around four wine stations. These refreshment stations offer red, white and rosé to all the running participants.
kilometer byder på hele fire vindepoter, hvorfra der udskænkes rød-, hvid- og rosévin som forfriskning til løberne.
The price to participate is 250 kr and includes t-shirts for the first 150 sign-ups.
“You are welcome to meet up and run in comfortable clothes, but feel free to let your festivities shine through. Myself, I expect to wear a cocktail dress of sorts,” says Louise.
Lanterns, Danish hygge and good humour
The route takes place primarily on wide paths and with a few single tracks in Drastrup Skov, decorated with glowing lanterns and flags.
Also, the design of the route enables you to meet and greet other participants.
Every 700 meters, you will arrive at a festive wine station. At the stations, there will be music and a friendly atmosphere.
There is a clear start and finish each time.
“You can run all the laps you can and wish. Suppose, for example, you run seven laps. In that case, you will have completed a half marathon while possibly consuming two bottles of wine,” says Louise with a smile.
The party continues after the race
A party tent will sell food and drink to the participants and spectators in the start and finish area.
“We hope that the tent will provide a cozy place to rest tired legs but allow the festivity to continue. All the necessary utilities, such as a toiletry and participants, only need to show their race number for more free wine.
We encourage you to leave the car at home, ride your bike there and then choose a safe mode of transport home.”
There are limited spaces available, and you can sign up here.
What: Run on Wine
Where: Drastrup Skov
When: Friday, September 3rd at 18:30