Turn up the temperature: Watch Magic Mike 3 at pre-release in Aalborg
When the first Magic Mike movie premiere in 2012 the movie theaters were filled with millions of women who drooled over the half naked dancers.
Now, the third and last movie in the series is ready and no doubt it’ll have an easy time drawing a big crowd again.
If you and your friends want to watch the movie before everyone else, you have an unique opportunity to do so at the pre-release of Magic Mike’s Last Dance on Saturday, February 4th, at 18:30 and again at 19:00.
It’s NF Biografer (Nordic Film Cinemas) that’s hosting the event, and in Aalborg it’ll take place in the movie theater in Kennedy Arkaden.
Cocktails included in the ticket price
In Magic Mike 3, the ex-stripper Mike (Channing Tatum) visits London with a wealthy and prominent woman (Salma Hayek).
Here he tries to train a team of new hot dancers for a huge show.
NF Biografer guarantees that they’ll be “… high temperatures, sexy dance moves along with cocktails and a sweet surprise for everyone.”
Tickets costs 150 kroner.
The pre-release at 18:30 is almost sold out but there’s still available tickets for the 19:00 showing.
Read more and buy tickets here.