Venturing to new harbors: GoBoat leaves Aalborg
In February, GoBoat announced they were ready for a new season in Aalborg.
Boat rental is a popular activity for people in the spring and summer as it offers a new way to experience the Limfjord and many look forward to a trip on the water.
However, it won’t be easy this year: GoBoat has announced that they are closing down completely in Aalborg.
“Dear Aalborg GoBoat friends.
It’s a weird feeling to write this post.
Since 2018 we’ve given people the opportunity to sail on the Limfjord. We’ve made many fun and exciting memories by sending you all out on trips in small boats.
But now, it is the end for GoBoat in Aalborg. The ride ends here,” owner Lars Bo Willumsen writes.
He doesn’t reveal the reason for the closure but instead writes that “(…) it has not been easy and there comes a time when you have to say stop. Enough is enough….”
MyAalborg has tried to get a statement from the owner but without success.
Opening in Aarhus
You can still enjoy the concept if you’re willing to drive to Aarhus.
In the same post where Lars Bo Willumsen announces that he is closing down in Aalborg, he writes that they are opening up in Aarhus instead.
GoBoat Aalborg will become GoBoat Aarhus.
“I really hope that people will go to Aarhus and experience what the city offers. It’s only 1 hour away from zip code 9000.
All gift cards from Aalborg can be used without issue in Aarhus, or they can be refunded,” he adds.
Lars Bo Willumsen also owns the company RIB-IT, where you can sail on the lightning-fast RIB-IT boats, and he emphasizes that this concept will remain in Aalborg.