Watch out: Collect your bike or have it removed

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

If you care about your bike there’s a good reason to be extra aware this week.

As tradition bids, Aalborg Municipality is cleaning up the bikes that are taking up space around Aalborg.

“If you bike has been chilling too long in one of the bicycle stands in the center of town then now is the time to visit it,” they write on Facebook.

This is why you should be aware

This week, Aalborg Cykelby (Aalborg Bike City) is putting strips on bikes that are parked in the municipality’s areas.

In four weeks time they’ll return and remove the bikes that still have the strips attached.

The plan is to give more space to the bikes that are actually used thus creating a better looking city and making it easier for everyone to navigate.

The bikes that are not claimed are put up for sale at the popular auctions for lost property.

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