Yes, please!: Café launches new Nutella iced coffee

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

Nutella what you want, what you really really want…

We need cold drinks in this overwhelming heat which is pouring over Aalborg at the moment.

That’s why we get excited every time a café launches a new cool addition to the menu.

That’s exactly what På Fjorden has done, and it’s nothing less than a Nutella iced coffee.

Until now, only Penny Lane has been the only café that has served the hazelnut favorite made with cold coffee and milk, but now På Fjorden wants to join in.

How does it taste?

First, let’s talk about the appearance.

The iced coffee is presented in a glass jar with a handle, and it’s super cute.

You immediately spot the Nutella because it’s spread on the sides of the glass like chocolate sediments.

We expected the taste to be very sweet because of the chocolate, but it’s not. It’s actually very well-balanced with milk and coffee, and therefore really delicious.

You actually only taste the characteristic hazelnut flavor if you stir it well and mix the elements.

Regardless, it tastes good, and we also recommend buying a piece of their excellent pastries to go with it.

A Nutella iced coffee costs 47 DKK.

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