Opens tomorrow: New pop-up record shop in Aalborg

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

Vinyl records, tape cassettes, CDs, and audio streaming.

The way we listen to music has drastically changed over the years, but things have a way of coming full circle. That is certainly the case with the vinyl record, which is experiencing massive growth in sales in Denmark.

We have previously written about various record fairs but now Aalborg is getting a new pop-up record shop called Tirsdagsklubben Aalborg (translated: the Tuesday Club Aalborg), which will open every second Tuesday at Café Ulla Terkelsen London.

The first opening day is tomorrow, October 19th at 16:00.

More than 1.000 new vinyl records

Visitors will be able to choose between more than 1.000 new records from different genres. On top of this, there’ll be a selection of tape cassettes.

While there, you’re free to use the turntable so you can listen to your new purchase. You can also bring your favorite records from home and fulfill your DJing dreams.

The café is naturally ready with different types of food so visitors can keep their energy high.

Just the beginning

The ambition of Tirsdagsklubben Aalborg and Café Ulla Terkelsen London is to create a meeting place for everyone who loves records.

Aside from the pop-up shop, the organizers are ready with more new initiatives. They are for example planning a special vinyl menu card in the café, which is swapped every other week with new records that can be bought in the bar.

Read more about the opening tomorrow here.

Read more about Tirsdagsklubben Aalborg here.

Hvad: Pop-up vinyl record shop
Café Ulla Terkelsen London
Every other Tuesday. First time is tomorrow, October 19, at 16:00

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