Ice cold news: Get homemade ice cream with rum balls and cookie

by Nathalia Hentze Nielsen

It’s not like you need an excuse to eat ice cream during summer (or spring, winter, and fall?) but the weather services are promising that the warm weather soon will return.

That means you can visit Surdejsbageren with a good conscience and try their special version of a summer ice cream.

They have once again worked their magic in the bakery where their traditional baked goods have been joined by some seriously good company.

Surdejsbageren is offering made homemade, organic ice cream, which definitely will cool you down on a hot summer day in Aalborg … but the good news doesn’t stop here.

The perfect symphony?

Aside from the lovely ice cream, you have a difficult decision to make when it comes to your toppings.

The first variant on the menu card is called Cookie and comes with double-cookies. You’ll both get a piece of baked cookie on top of chunks of cookie dough.

Your other choice is Romkugle, which consists of essence of rum, tivoli sprinkles, and a piece of home-baked romkugle (rum ball).

Whether you choose the cookie or rum ball version, the whole shebang costs 35 kroner.

If you want to upgrade, you can even add a piece of cake and some guf (marshmellow) for just 10 kroner extra.

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